The Normalization of Toxicity

Cheesesteak Mind Frame
3 min readNov 23, 2020

It is so apparent, across all ages. Across all demographics. It discriminates against no one. There is a normalized ‘this for that’ mentality. Evil done unto others should not be an excuse to emulate those behaviors as if it is done by a superhero. What is the point? Is there an idea you might feel superior? That you might appear as if you don’t care? As if there are no emotions involved?

Those that commit evil onto others are not happy. They are not satisfied with their emotions. They often feel the need to keep becoming involved into others’ lives, to try to feel something. Those that have been hurt and have not taken the time to heal do not ever heal when they continue their cycles of drinking and drugs and habitual bad patterns of sex. Those that play the victim card and never take accountability for what they are supposed to do- and condone those who are victims and never place the due blame and responsibility on those shoulders, are those that are continuing cycles of permissibility. What does it do? It continues the cycle of toxicity. It condones. It does not heal. Condoning behavior limits the room for taking accountability.

Everyone has dealt with toxicity in some shape or form in their lives. Everyone has condoned a ‘wrong’ because… well… they were justified… right? Because XYZ did THIS, so THAT must be FAIR? Fairness isn’t permissible to be evil. Yet there are so many people listening to the voices of those that are deeply pained and think their ‘tough, rebellious’ voices are those to look up to, when really, no, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Jung would have a field day in analyzing the broken child in these ‘rebellious’ modern day ‘strong voices’ from rappers to TV stars, people with voices spouting off the passive aggressive language riddled with the ‘please listen to me, please hear me pain’ childish tone associated with a cry for help. The broken man often speaks with the most bitterness in his voice and the most aggressive tone. The most insecure men and women feel the need to control the most. The most insecure people are greedy. The most dissatisfied are those wanting attention. And is usually justified, with a good reason, however sound it may be… is the most excellent sales pitch to whoever wants to hear what they want to hear for whatever excuse is necessary for their pain at the moment. People only hear what they want to, when they want to, for whatever pain they are going through- only to heal as they choose, not because they have to. And when it is done against their will, is when the destruction of self, and the victimization comes into association with the situation.

The cycle of toxicity continues when actions are condoned to be permissible. When they are excused. When not acknowledging pain is accepted as a religion, vs sitting and dealing with the pain. When addictions are not your fault. When the scape goat is taken. When taken excuses makes it easier. And thus, we have the modern trend of today. Those with deep addictions and semi- accountability. Accountability, only enough to be perceived as strengths. Divisive. And very circumstantial. Self discovery cannot be blind, yet in the 12-step program, it is very blind. It no longer helps the individual, but creates a weaker one to beg for more attention, and creates deeper resentment. And the cycles of not taking accountability, continues deeper with each addict passing their addictions off to their children.



Cheesesteak Mind Frame

20s something year old looking for answers to philosophy